Sunday, June 28, 2009

Helsinki is in Funland

I got on the train to go to the capital of Finland, Helsinki, early Friday morning to go meet with a great group of women I used to hang out with in Mexico. We used to do crafts for charity.

You read it correctly. We used to do crafts for charity.

I know you might be flabbergasted, but it's true. I can knit, crochet, make jewelry, stained glass, bake, paint, sew, and be all warm and fuzzy and personable at fundraisers and fairs. And I do smile occasionally.

So now you know. Don't be flabbergasted no more, when I'm outed on several blogs, including my own, as having sides that don't involve drinking or being all evil. I'm a well-rounded individual.

But I digress.

This group of friends I was in Helsinki to meet is an awesome one. We are different ages, from different backgrounds, with very different interests and aspirations, and very different lives. However, while we were all in Mexico City we put all that baggage and personality on a special shelf away from reach and worked our asses off to make a better day for people who needed for there to be a better day. And in the midst of this effort we became great friends.

And what is greater than seeing old friends, letting your hair down (or letting it stand every which way in my case, and not doing anything to raccoon-eyes that one has to sport after all the flippen golfing in the sun) and going to a (I later found out gay, which explains why I was eventually practically thrown out for taking pictures) club. And only returning home at 4am while gazing up at the most amazing sunrise (which really is a mix of a sunset and sunrise, because at this time of the year the sun doesn't really set or rise, it just stays up in the sky)

Anyhoodles, it was FUN.

The sunset at 2am. On our way from club 1, a courtyard terrace, to club 2, a suspicious karaoke bar.

We ordered some caipirinhas, but were possibly speaking Spanish and ended with some strawberry margaritas instead.

  And then we landed in the gay club.
And engaged in some creative use of the camera. (i.e. point, shoot, hold still for a long time, while sipping your drink...)
Only to return while the sun was rising again at 4am. Beautiful.   


julochka said...

ok, if you click on that purpley picture and make it big, there are some scary-ass things going on...which may or may not involved a mannequin kinda puppet doll....i'm probably going to have a bad dream now when i nap...

julochka said...

please disregard the "d" on the end of involved...

kristine said...

Right so I feel like you have been coming out of the closet as a really nice person recenty, which is great, just don't stop being sarcastic and funny, ok?
The other thing is, I am not going back to europe this summer and all these northern european sunrises (except, as you point out, the sun never really sets in the first place) are making me seriously nostalgic.....

Sarah said...

Way to out yourself! Apparently you got all the creative genes in the siamese sisterhood cause I am considerably lacking in any of those skills.

LoisW said...

I made the mistake of clicking on the purple! I'm getting out all of my crucifixes! Even recovering Catholics such as myself feel the need for a little spirituality now and then! LOL

Yes, I just started following this blog and I see what a terrible person you are, all that volunteering! For Shame!

You make me miss the days of living overseas and traveling. Though my daughter does not live in Africa any longer, I miss hearing about her experiences. I sent you a message asking about the Selebis... any news on what is happening to them? My son went to school with Elton when we lived in Geneva. I became friends with Mrs. Selebi and it was hard to read about what was happening in the online news. Prayers sent...

kristina said...

your photos in this post are beautiful - my compliments to the photographer and her canon :-)

Polly said...

I'm still flabbergastered at your skills in field of crafts, one day I'll come visit and you'll welcome me at the doorstep in apron because you'll have just taken out of the oven your home-made cookies... looking forward to that :-)

the purple photo is scary indeed, glad it's already morning, it won't give me nightmares

Anonymous said...

Found your blog from some other links on the internet. I love Finland in general and Helsinki in particular. Tall blond boys in dark suits? Just my kind of guy :D

Carleigh said...

i really really love your photography! and the humor you have in your blog is awesome. hope you have fun in finland!

Brian Miller said...

lovely pics and stories. both bring out marvelous colors of your travels and your friends.

Holly said...

I love the 3rd and 5th photos. Great movement in the 3rd image and fantastic lighting in the 5th. Cant stop looking. Are you on deviantart? If not, this is an invitation!