We finally made it to Finland. Albeit via a little detour to Stockholm, Sweden, since our direct flight was cancelled.
Who would have guessed. Really.
I must have amassed an incredible amount of other good karma to balance out my bad plane karma for years to come. I'm looking hard for the silver lining. I really am.
There was also a girls choir on the plane.
Sometimes music is best left to loud iPods. Then at least I can hear myself think.
And no hymns are good hymns.
Sadly, Finnish coffee is not as good as I remembered, but on the plus side my father has finally mastered coffee making to such an extent that I no longer feel the gag reflex coming on when I indulge in a cup of his tar-black concoction.
Yes, coffee making is a science. A more prestigious one even than folding t-shirts or deciding which way the toilet paper roll should face.
He is trying to learn and make the kind of coffee I like.
Gravlax on traditional rye bread, however, is much better than I remembered and might surpass the current staple of my diet - sugar free chocolate.
This is what I have so far.
I need to go clean now. Who could have guessed that grime in the bathroom and dust under the bed annoys me?
Not me.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
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oh oh, now i'm worried about making coffee at blog camp...you may be placed in charge so i can avoid feelings of inadequacy.
you should have brought that wacky cleaning lady with you. she could take care of the dust under the bed.
julochka - finally I get to turn this around: No pressure ;o)
I'm trying to find another wacky cleaning lady for the summer, so far no luck. Too daunting a task I think.
Had the most disgusting tomato wine yesterday. Even the smell was pretty horrendous.
That's love...caring enough to learn how to make coffee the way someone else likes it.
My bf has been making me coffee since we moved in together and it's sooooo good that it's ruined everyone else's coffee for me.
My husband is a chef and he makes the weakest coffee. It's more like coffee flavored water. Even he doesn't like it. So why does it never improve? Riddle me that one? He could whip up a roast lamb with Cashel blue cheese and morel mushrooms, or maybe Opilio crab with a light lemon-garlic buerre blanc sauce, but brew a basic pot o' coffee?! Can't seem to master that one.
tomato wine? ahh, the finns will turn anything into alcohol...
Perusing the blogosphere this morning and what did I stumble upon? Another blogger using the awesome word, "RAD". I thought of you immediately.
Please give my love to the land of my ancestors.
Isn't tomato wine a jar of V-8 left out in the sun too long?
Be careful with the cleaning thing. They may not let you go. Sounds like a conspiracy already with the coffee and Gravlax...
I'm impressed that your dad is willing to learn anything new(obviously I don't know the man, but I did have a dad of my own, and well, once they get to a certain age I think men tend to not care anymore...)
tomoato wine? I think I agree with Fragrant Muse.
Lastly, I'm afraid to ask what exactly Gravlax is. By the name I can tell what it does, but on rye bread? Seems a little...odd. Please enlighten me though. Always willing to learn something new...
Wow, you really do have some bad plane related karma. But am glad you got there.
Coffee making is very much a science. I am (surprise) VERY specific about my coffee and how I like it. And the whole toilet paper thing baffles me. Hubby is crazy about it, but who cares which way it is going?
i thought we had laid the subject of "rad" to rest. (sigh)
and VEG, it TOTALLY matters what way the toilet paper goes, but we get around it at our house by keeping it in a basket.
and i just kinda missed the whole IM thing...can ya tell?
my WV is "aunts," these gotta stop being real words.
Julochka: I was afraid to admit it but I TOTALLY miss IMing. It makes me laugh and smile and feel that I am not alone in the blogospshere.
My hubby is obsessed that the TP must go over the top and after 10 years he has finally got me trained to do it.
My WV is thess: "Thess "commenting and IMing is what I miss.
VEG--hubby is totally spot-on with the toilet paper.
and i really only added that to prolong the IM so that when Ext resurfaces she wonders what the hell happened here on her blog. :-)
and she still hasn't told us about that alcoholic tomato juice...
you don't suppose she was attacked by a dust bunny, do you? or do you suppose she just disappeared in a haze of chenin blanc fumes, since she's clearly not online and therefore doesn't exist.
I know, I am wondering what lovely place she has wandered off too and why she has gone all analog on us. Doesn't she know that I am pining for her as we speak?
Though a dust bunny attack could be the answer. Lord knows my dust bunnies have their own colony.
And I agree with TFM (above), I think tomato wine is just V8 juice left out too long.
for me alcoholic tomato juice is a bloody mary. and the finns do know their vodka...
Marathoner - My dad is pretty cool, but his coffee still sucks pretty bad. He is trying though. At least they have a Moccamaster.
Erin - Based on the food though (although I understand it can never outrank coffee) he's still a keeper. Bad coffee is a big minus, but you do have all of them kids with him... ;o)
Muse - This is actual, real wine someone who had a lot of excess tomatoes made. To be sold. It is the most disgusting smell even I've experienced in a long time.
Cyndy - Not lifting a finger at my parents so pretty sure they'll be happy to get rid of me in a month.
rxBambi - Gravlax is a Scandinavian dish of dry-cured salmon marinated in herbs. It is pretty heavenly on rye. I might have to smuggle again...
VEG & julochka - I love the fact that you guys miss me when I'm not on. Currently we only have one cable for the internet and hubby was using it yesterday to catch up on work. I'm very much searching for an unlocked iPhone though... Just to please you people.
Love you guys! And actually yesterday instead of going up in Chenin Blanc fumes I drank a bottle of South African Chenin. Now I have excess fumes to go up in again... Or something.
cable for your internet? what's that? you're in the friggin' land of nokia. wireless is where it's at. :-)
WV is ovenja--is that something in finnish?
I KNOW! Can't hubby understand that blogger and twittering and IMing is WAY more important than work? Sheesh. And if EXT gets an iPhone, I am going to feel very left out with my lil ole blackberry.
julochka & VEG - We have two cables now. Don't want to provide wireless for the tenant (she already left a huge ball of hair in the washing machine. Okay not going to rant about it now. Not ranting. Really not. But don't really want to do anything extra. Am vengeful. I am.
I really do need the iPhone though.
Existential crisis.
The never ending parentheses. I like it.
Everything off record.
Ranting about huge hair balls is always allowed. iPhone, schmiPhone. Get a blackberry! That will solve yours and all of the other existential crises. I LOVE the never ending parentheses. Its like it might jump into any conversation at any time.
WV: Whell: Whell, osifer, I haz to admit I may have had a teensy-weensy lil bit of tomato wine, but I didn't enjoys it, so there is NO WAY I can be drink, uh drunk.
VEG - But the tenant is not a cat, which makes everything just a little more gross...
I have been unable to get a blackberry here in Europe. I just want to be on line ALL the time (might shock hubby just a little bit if he ever read the comments). And, you can always jump into the conversation!
I haz to admit the tomatoe smellz like pee, and itz no fun drinkin' itz. But, itz wine. Expainz lotz.
Hair balls of any kind from anyone makes me sick. Even my own hair. Which has a way of getting everywhere. Even my hubby found one on his shirt when he was on deployment and I hadn't seen him in over 8 months.
That is the great and addicting thing about blackberry or iPhones, they allow you to be refreshing your browsers and twitters and facebooks (no not facebook, over facebook) ALL THE TIME.
VEG - I know. hair balls is that other universe stuff we don't even talk about. Only in connection to hair balls am I really glad that I don't really have any hair to speak of. I try to keep as much of it as possible attached as long as possible. Glue?
Addictive? I simply don't know what you mean ;o)
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